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Property Management E-mail Distribution List

By February 22, 2017Community

We wanted to invite those of you in the community who manage vacation rental homes in our amazing neighborhood (even if it is just your own home that you manage) to sign up for our “Property Managers” e-mail distribution list hosted by MailChimp.

The homes we advertise on are showing up in Google Search results and we are starting to get property inquiries via the “Ask the HOA” mailbox. As we are not in the vacation rental business, we want to be able to pass along this information to our property owners/managers, but we don’t want to deluge those of you who don’t rent out your beautiful homes.

We are doing this on an opt-in basis, so if you are interested simply go to the following web address to sign up:

Please note, we will only be forwarding inquiries for homes in our neighborhood.